Battle Arena Part 1

"Are you insane?! You haven't even done your familiar summoning ceremony! How are you going to battle me officially?!" Vera shouted. Ariana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "That is my problem not yours. Are you trying to back out now?"

Vera gritted her teeth and turned to Payton. "Professor Rain should still be in the Cathedral! Drag him out if you have too! We'll make this an official match and see who will be shamed!" Vera shouted.

Payton looked conflicted as he stood rooted in place. "Vera, glorious leader... you do realize the risk of having an official match?" He said nervously as he kept his gaze glued to the ground. "Go Payton." Vera replied darkly.

Payton gulped and started to walk towards the Cathedral doors. "Miss DuChamp please reconsider. It's as you said, she has yet to do the official familiar summoning." Cayden started to say but Vera was having none of that. "Why do you care Cayden? It's as she said, it is her problem not mine so I can only whole heartedly obliged." She replied with a dark laugh.

Ariana turned to Edlyn and flashed a smile. "I'll get you the best mentor!" Edlyn shook her head no. "You do-n't kn-ow wh-at you are get-ting in-to." Edlyn enunciated with a harsh tone. Ariana looked at her with puppy dog eyes. "Do you doubt me?" She asked with a small whimper. Edlyn sighed and gave her a defeated look. "Do not o-ver do it." Ariana beamed. "Of course not!" Edlyn gave her an unconvinced look.

Edlyn grabbed Ariana's elbow and pulled her close. They turned their backs to the on lookers and Edlyn brought her hands. "You're not using all of the Lumas are you?" She signed and Ariana brought up her own hands and flashed Edlyn a chilling smile. "Don't worry I have a plan." Edlyn brought down her hands and looked Ariana square in the eyes. "Use Rah-ul."

Ariana quickly brought her hands up to cover her ears. 'Master, Edlyn is a genius! If you use me in your battle you will be nothing short of glorious victory!' Rahul shouted clearly, Ariana brought down her hands in defeat. She thought she could stop him from speaking, she peeked behind her and then shook her head. "No, I have a plan." She whispered firmly under her breath.

The doors to the Cathedral swung open and to Ariana's surprise, Breeze stormed out. He quickly looked around the crowd and spotted who he was searching for. In a heart beat he weaved between the crowd, scooped Ariana up from her knees, had her sitting on his forearms as he looked up into her face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted as he narrowed his gaze. "An official battle?! Do you know what that even means?! Heavens knows what goes on in your head but I am against this stupidity! Why chase danger?! What if something were to happen to you?! I would be devastated if -?!"

"Breeze enough!" Rain shouted as he finally caught up to him. "Master, you're too slow." Breeze said as he looked at Rain with a bored expression. "Put Miss Drake down." Rain instructed. Breeze sighed as he gently placed Ariana back on the ground.

Whispers started to fly in a frenzy as they looked at the handsome, green haired man. Breeze heard their whispers and struck a provocative pose as he flashed a devilish smile. "That's right students! It is I, Breeze the newly born satyrs."

"Enough… sigh… someone please explain why an official battle is being requested on the first day." Rain asked as he looked at Ariana. "I was challenged and I accept." Ariana asked nonchalantly. Rain then turned to Vera and waited.

"P-p-p-professor Rain it wasn't my idea! I didn't call for an official match!" Vera stuttered as her eyes welled up with tears. Rain looked at everyone and shrugged. "I'm sorry everyone, there must have been a huge misunderstanding. I'll chalk this up to first day jitters and pretend that the request was never made."

Vera let out a huge sigh of relief but Ariana let a sly grin appear on her face. "Professor Rain, I can guarantee you there was no mistaking my asking for our battle to be official." She shouted loudly causing Vera's hair to stand on end. Rain gave Ariana a warning look but she ignored it and continued.

"Vera has insulted the Academy and tried to gain favour with the magical creatures in the area! She wanted personal gain from them to know doubt increase her own power or become a Student Council member and what better way to do this then to attach herself to Edlyn! She said she could see our magical energy and wanted Edlyn, I saw through her and I'll not tolerate her actions!"

Vera started to tremble violently as Rain turned to look at her face. His eyes were hollow and menacing as half his face became slightly dark. "I did no such thing!" She squeaked but Rain did not let up on his glare.

"Then why would you accuse me of having a fake ribbon? Professor Rain made this for me and presented it to me! Also you said unfavorable things to my friend Edlyn, calling me unstable and that Edlyn could only successfully grow under your wing. Fully knowing her magical energy acts as a magnet for the creatures! Don't lie you said so yourself and there are witnesses that can testify!" Ariana shouted and everyone except for Edlyn, Cayden and Vanessa dropped their gazes to the ground.

"I-I-I." Vera said as her teeth chattered. "Professor Rain, I can vouch for Miss DuChamp... Miss Drake is putting words in Miss DuChamp's mouth so she can push your Nobel decision towards her favour." Vanessa said as she rounded her eyes and batted her long eyelashes.

Cayden and Edlyn stayed silent as Rain gritted his teeth. "Your name?" He growled making Vanessa shrink back. "Vanessa Brenton." She answered softly, instantly regretting siding with Vera. "Do you know why everyone is looking down Miss Brenton?" Rain asked as he glared at the small girl.

Vanessa shook her head no, causing her free ringlet hair that hung from her buns to bounce gently with the movement of her head. "I can extract the truth easily or painfully. Miss Drake already knows this fact and would never dare to lie to me. Vanessa Brenton you are demoted to the average class!" Rain shouted as he sliced the air in front of Vanessa.