To All A Familiar Part 2

Thor started to tremble as he tried to retreat further into Edlyn's embrace. 'Mama!' He cried. Edlyn tightened her embrace and bowed to the Headmaster. "Yes with Thor be-com-ing my fam-ili-ar there will be no more rain st-orms in the Capi-tal." The Headmaster watched as she raised her head. "Yes, I believe you are right.... Now that everything has settled why don't we continue the Summoning Ceremony after lunch." He said then walked towards the school.

Edlyn sighed, her knees started to buckle and she was going down. Xander moved to catch Edlyn and Thor took the opportunity to meet his daddy. Vera and Isabelle ran up to them while the other third years were busying themselves with helping out their own first years. "Ariana... were you talking to Edlyn's familiar?!" Vera whispered as loudly as she could.