Can't Have Your Way Part 1

The water in the fountain dangeriously started to bubble and steam. Ariana gulped and suddenly remembered the words Callista said when they ran into each other. Ariana resolved her said and in a clear loud voice she continued. "threoir dom thuas. Tar amach leanbh na n-eilimintí agus bí mise kukui, treoraigh mé i rith mo chuairte. Ní bheidh deireadh leis an gconradh seo ach amháin nuair a bhainim céim amach. Teacht chugam mo chuid eolais!"

Callista stopped crying and looked at Ariana. The magic circle fixed itself and the water started to calm down. The lights from the objects shot forward, the light that formed was too bright for anyone to see but Ariana was able to just catch tiny streaks of colour shot into the light orb. She smiled and waited.