Can It Really? Part 1

"Does it matter that? What happened, has happened and there is no changing the past. I just want to know... I need to know what happened to you. Cayden was it so bad that you can not tell me?" She asked bluntly but Cayden stopped walking immediately. He let out a giant sigh and placed her feet back down on the ground. Ariana tested her strength and let out a sigh of relief. She was glad that she was only weak for a small amount of time but she also felt a little disappointed too.

She pouted her lips and snuck a peek at Cayden's face before she took a few steps forward. "So you're going to ignore my questions and not tell me anything?" She said with a humpf. "I... can't... not yet... please understand. I just... it's not time yet I'm so sorry." Cayden said as he started to follow her.