Fight To Become Stronger Part 1

The water binds were starting to bubble while the earth beneath him started to slowly dissolve and scorch. 'I believe you will need to use one of those incantations.' He replied as the water binds steamed off and Mr. Dabney started to take a few steps forward. Each step made him sink into the ground slightly. "Ahi absortzio!" She yelled as she held her hands up but nothing happened. "Oh sh*t!" She said as she saw a slit like smile appear on Mr. Dabney's almost completely golden face.

"Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t!" She repeated as Mr. Dabney picked up his pace. A menacing laugh could be heard as he closed in on her. "Ahhh!" She screamed and something clicked. She could feel a lock with in her unlock and hit the floor. A surge of power was flowing through her body. 'Do you really think I would let you fall to someone like this!' She heard Rahul shout out with laughter. 'In your dreams!'