Vasu Part 8

Ariana started to laugh. "Deal!" Vasu waited for Ariana to dust off her pajamas before snuggling up in her embrace. 'So you don't hate me?' Vasu asked bluntly. "No Vasu. I don't hate you. If anything I should be thanking you for what you've done for me so far.... but Vasu could you tell me why the Goddess wants me here or what the Lumas's mission is specifically?" She asked hopefully.

'Ariana, there are things that I can not tell you right away but what I can tell you is Gautam Waldemar is one of the keys to unlocking one of your mysteries.' Ariana let out a deep sigh. "So I need to befriend an enemy? Great... Feel like sharing any other hints?" Vasu let out a small chuckle. 'Three key players to unlocking all your mysteries. I will not give you more names though. If I do you will be hunting them down.' Ariana sighed. "I guess you're right..."