Speechless Part 1

Mrs. Dabney handed her a piece of paper as she gave her a pleading look. "Can you sing?" She asked. Ariana looked at the pitiful girl, she saw how hard the poor girl cried and made up her mind. She looked at Mrs. Dabney and gave her a reassuring nod. "It's been a couple of years but yes I can." She answered. "Thank goodness! Phillipa you can go rest." Mrs. Dabney said as she turned back to a fair skinned girl. Her bright orange eyes shown with relief. She quickly nodded her head and ran off. "You're an opening act, so don't worry too much." Mrs. Dabney said with excitement but she quickly felt worry when she saw that Ariana had started to cry.

"Oh no! Are you okay?!" She shouted. Ariana brought the paper to her chest and looked at Mrs. Dabney with a tear streaked, smiling face. "I will do my best." Ariana replied with conviction.