Draw Attention

Ariana stared at Gregory, waiting for him to speak up. Gregory brought up his right hand and finger brushed his cobalt blue hair back. "What do you know so far?" Gregory asked. "That you're not very consistent with your actions." Ariana said bluntly as she gave Gregory a deadpan look.

"This is actually harder to talk about then I first thought." Gregory muttered. "Take your time." Lady Zula said in a bored tone. "We don't have time Zula." Gregory replied.

Ariana facepalmed herself. "Look I will make this easy for you." Ariana mumbled loudly from behind her palm. With a heavy sigh she removed her hand and looked at Gregory. "Do you hate me?" Ariana asked flatly as she stared down Gregory.

Gregory looked completely uncomfortable with the question and just pursed his lips, refusing to utter a single word. "Oh my goodness! Fine! You can tell me that answer when you're ready. Who's idea was it to treat me like sh*t?" Ariana asked with a scowl.