You Still Want Me?

"After I signed, I had no one left. It was home then work, nothing else for almost a year. Then I decided to go to the movies to escape from my life. A colleague recommended it then I found myself absorbed with soundtracks from every movie I watched. I started to play the songs all the time, while I was eating, walking, writing and working in the lab. I finally turned my life around after the live action Al*ddin came out. I memorize the music and found strength to move forward but it didn't last. I collapsed one day at work. Was rushed to hospital, blood was drawn and they found cancer in my ovaries... I was being punished for finding happiness, I wasn't allowed to forget my son, he needed justice and I was willing to accept it. I refused treatment and it didn't take long for the cancer to spread, I died a few months later." Mrs. Dabney said as tears silently flowed downwards.