Unexpectedly Beautiful

The Elder flew down to her face and looked at her eyes. 'Pure solid aquamarine.' He said as he tried to reach out and touch Ariana's face. Ariana leaned back, avoiding him completely. Ariana looked at the Elder with a very confused face. 'My apologies.' The Elder said as he flew back a foot. He placed his left hand over chest and bent at a 90 degree angle. 'You are too beautiful, I couldn't resist.' The Elder said in apologetic tone. 

Ariana and Lobo's jaws dropped to the floor. "A-a-re y-y-you t-t-talking about me?!" Ariana stuttered as she drew back her jaw. Lobo couldn't believe that the Elder had lowered his head to Ariana. As far as he knew, almost all magical creatures had a sense of pride and would never lower their heads to someone they would consider beneath them. Unfortunately just like his clan, beast folk were at the bottom of the hierarchy.