Dirty Laundry

Lucius lost his smile, his lips pursed making a straight line. They turned white as he applied pressure. He stared down Ariana as he quietly contemplated her words. "I have never heard of that saying. It's very insightful but you said you were adopted. Now you're saying you have forgiven your mother? Who exactly is your mother?" Lucius asked cautiously.

"Do I not look like my mother? I have been told countless times and by numerous people that I am practically the spitting image of my mother! So there should be no doubt to who she is." Ariana said with a huff. Lucius started to blush. He had not seen her mother so he couldn't refute her but it still left a giant hole in her story. "So your mother adopted you?" Lucius asked suspiciously. Ariana screamed on the inside. Some students were starting to trickle in and she didn't want others to overhear their conversation.