Artificial vs. Natural Smells

"No, that is truly unbelievable!" A girl shouted. Ariana smiled brightly as she turned to the girl. "Is it? Have you not gone to a play or opera? Both men and women are wearing make up yet you don't seem to protest to that?" Ariana asked. "That's different though!" The girl shouted.

"No not really. They wear make up to make their faces a certain way so that they are more appealing during their performance. It most cases though they wear it to look more like the character they are playing so you don't get confused but what is stopping them from leaving the play house with different make up? They have fans and presumably lovers, they don't want to let people down so they look their best no matter where they are." Ariana explained. "No one would want to idolize someone who looks unattractive, unless their talent outshines their looks." Ariana continued.