Can We Talk?

Ariana sighed as she looked at a sleeping Brie's face. She felt content, she never imagined that she would be holding an infant in her arms as she rocked in the rocking chair. Her Lumas had made themselves comfortable on the Dabney's bed while Vasu sat on the top of the rocking chair.

"I don't think I want to put her down yet." Ariana admitted as she peeked at Brie's slightly pouty face. 'I want to hold her too.' Vasu sulked as he looked at Ariana's arms enviously. "You must miss being human." Ariana said as she slowly got up from the rocking chair.

Vasu jumped into the air. He floated beside Ariana as she placed Brie into her bassinet. 'Not so much.' Vasu replied. 'Speak for yourself! I was still trying to figure out life before I died.' Aroha said with a heavy sigh.