Kyomi Part 4

Kyomi blushed crimson red and burried her face into Ushi's chest. Friends and family cheered and helped the two love birds off the floor. Ushi smiled like a fool while Kyomi suddenly became shy and adorable. Unknown to the Kims, a guest sitting at a far table watched them with a sinister smile. He laughed coolly to himself. "Must be feeling better."

Soon the days blurred and Kyomi's speech increased substantially. It was finally Nurray and Kyomi's first day of Highschool. Si Chen was only in his second year and was able to accompany them to school while Ushi was in his last year. He had gone to school earlier for his carreer orientation classes. "You know if you get lonely because Ushi is spending less time with you, I'm always available." Si Chen said obnoxiously as he sat in their family limo. His arms were wide open, waiting for Kyomi to jump into his embrace.