So Much Pain

Si Chen wrapped his arms around Kyomi. His body trembled as he tightened his embrace. "You're not dirty! You don't bring shame to our name! My parents even want to protect you by adopting you legally." Si Chen said as small tears escaped his eyes. "Si Chen, I'm dirty. I caught an STI, I was pregnant with some unknown man's child, the medication caused me to have a miscarriage, I have been gossiped and talked about so much, people stay away... Si Chen I'm a jynx." Kyomi said pitifully.

"Shut up!" Si Chen shouted before covering Kyomi's mouth with his own lips. "The woman I love is not dirty." Si Chen said breathlessly. "I'm sorry Si Chen... I, I don't, I don't love you the way you want me too." Kyomi said apologetically. "That's right... hahaha, what was I expecting? You could never see me as a man... you only have Ushi in your heart... just Ushi." Si Chen laughed in a self mocking tone.