Pains From Deep Within

Ushi looked down at the pile of flesh that once resembled Kei. He had beaten Kei to a near death state but this still was not enough to satisfy his rage. "W, cough, cough, w-why?" Kei said with great difficulty as bits of blood and teeth were coughed out. Ushi squatted down and pulled up Kei's gaze by the roots of his hair. There eyes locked, Ushi flashed a wicked smile that showcased his canines.

"Because your name is Kei Su and mine is Ushi Kim." Ushi said coolly. Kei's partially swollen eyes widened in horror. "U-u-u-u-ushi?" Kei stuttered as his remaining teeth chattered. "So you do remember me? Kei, my good friend, do you remember the terms in our little agreement?" Ushi asked as his face slowly started to shroud in darkness, his golden eyes glowed murderous at Kei. "I-I-I." Kei repeated like a broken record.