Observations Part 2

"I heard it's because she got into a fight with her best friend Ariana." Ariana said as she stood behind them. The group was to absorbed into watching Edlyn to even turn around. "That can't be it. You must be mistaken. Ariana must have bullied her so much that she couldn't take it anymore." The red-headed boy explained as he crossed his arms and nodded his head to his own words. "You think so?" Ariana asked.

"That girl, Ariana ruined everything! I hated how she clung to Edlyn without discrimination! She is very shameful!" The boy with freckles chimed in. "She was pretty hot though." The dark haired boy said with a wide smile. "Sure if you liked a girl with such a slutty body." The light green haired girl huffed. "There is nothing wrong with looking at a slutty body but Edlyn's figure is absolutely perfect. Her breasts are slightly above average, she's got nice hips, small face and small waist." The grey haired boy said as he snorted hot air.