Official Call Out

".... If something happens to me I want to make sure Edlyn is taken care of." Ariana said as she helped Edlyn off the ground. "Isn't easier to hook her up with the ice prince?" Talisha asked with a smirk. Ariana and Edlyn flinched. "Whoa, something happened didn't it?!" Halina asked excitedly. Edlyn face became unreadable while Ariana started to sweat. "It's not good..." Ariana mumbled as she looked away.

"You b*ch!" Viola bellowed as she stormed up to the group of girls. "How dare you seduce my beloved with the help of that slut!" She continued to scream as she raised her hand. Talisha caught Viola's wrist and glared at Viola as he was the closest one to her. But to everyone's surprise Edlyn stepped forward and slapped Viola across the face.