Battle: Viola vs. Edlyn Part 3

'Master, I don't like this. It's all.... It's all too unnatural.' Ursula said as she tried to break free from her water bubble by swimming around erratically. "Stay still or I'll drop you." Viola hissed. 'That's what I want.' Ursual replied bitterly. "What if I need you right away? You can't abandon me now when I might be so close to the enemy! Just stay put and behave." Viola ordered.

Ursula pouted as she sat in her bubble. With Ursula now behaving Viola's started to walk into the cavern, her footsteps echoed as she cautiously walked forward.

"Ursula do you feel anything?" Viola asked as she started to squeeze the water ball. 'I could if you let me out of this water prison.' Ursual said in a haughty tone. "Not a chance! The moment your out you'll want to lead and we can't have that." Viola hissed.