Beat, Sleep, Eat, Repeat ***Child Abuse Warning***

****Not suitable for all readers.****

****Child Abuse****

"No?" Monty asked as he squatted down to their eye level. "Then I need to relieve some stress." He said as he grabbed Emmeline's arm and yanked her up.

"No Emmy!" Eve screamed as she attached herself on to Monty's left arm. Without thinking Eve opened her mouth wide and bit down as hard a she could onto Monty. "You stupid brat!" Monty hissed loudly as he released Emmeline and grabbed Eve by her collar. He tried to pull her off but Eve just bit harder, refusing to let go. "You think you can defy me?!" Monty screamed as he raised his fist into the air. "Eevee!" Emmeline yelled as Monty punched Eve relentlessly.