I Hate You ***Not Suitable for all Readers***

***Graphic and disturbing scenes ahead***

***Reader discretion is advised***

Eve pulled herself up as much as she could but she wasn't big or strong enough to get herself out. She brought up her knee and placed it right beside her hand. She used her knee to lift herself out of the hole in the ground. Eve then carefully stood up, knowing that the floor was soaked with blood. She looked around but the room was still pitch black.

"Emmy, tate my hand." Eve called out as she stretched out her hand. Emmeline grabbed the hand and Eve promptly started to pull her sister with all her strength. Emmeline whimpered as Eve pulled but Eve refused to stop, she started to walk backwards as she pulled. "Eevee it hwts." Emmeline cried. "I know but we need to move." Eve said as she pulled Emmeline out.