Davita's Wedding Blues

Xue was moved into a guest room, she spent the last three days trying to come up with a plan to stop princess Momo and prince Bai's wedding. Her first step was to break out of her guarded room but princess Momo had instructed the guards to watch her and the room 24 hours of the day. Xue tried to reason with the guards and the servents who came in but her words fell on deaf ears. Soon Xue realized that she had no chance of escape. 

She spent her remaining time reliving the precious memories of her time with Bai. At times she would break down and start to cry while other times she was at peace. She never got a chance to tell Bai that she loved him back. The moment Bai swore to do whatever the princess demanded he was dragged off to begin his purification ceremony for the wedding while she was taken to the guest room.