April's Decision

April sat at the kitchen table weighing all her pros and cons. No matter what she thought of everything looked bleak. There's was no way she could find work, no matter how hard she tried no one was willing to hire her. She needed money to survive, the army could feed and shelter her. She was lonely in the empty house and at least with the military she could be surrounded by others.

April still had her father but she had no idea when he would come back. She shuddered at the thought of what her father would say or make her do so he could have a bottle in his hand.

With a heavy heart April came to her final decision. She got up and rushed up to the door, she hoped the old lady didn't get too far. The moment she rushed out she ran into a man dressed in a military uniform. He looked down at her as she looked up. "Have you made a decision?" He asked. "I am going to take the job but I just don't want to sing I want to fight too!" April said with conviction.