Explain Yourself

"And will talking keep Edlyn by my side?" Xander asked doubtfully. "Yes Xander! Talking will keep Edlyn by your side because you are communicating! She won't have to guess what's going on in your partner's head or feel anxious about what their hiding! She won't start doubting your motives or let her mind wander into some weird explanations she made up about the facts she comes across with or go insane with anxiety! Maybe if you open up to her you might become, well I don't know, more human! Maybe you can express yourself more?! So be a man and talk to the one you love!" Ariana ranted.

Rahul and Xander gawked at Ariana. While Ariana blushed. She knew she was just projecting her feelings onto Edlyn but she knew deep down, Edlyn would have felt the same way. Cayden was hiding too much and to leave Xander, a huge threat to watch over her was something she could not understand.