Jiro's Betrayal Part 1

"Do you wish not to pledge yourself to me?" The deep voice asked. Jiro pursed his lips as he stared at the opal. "Jiro..." A soft female voice called out. Jiro quickly turned to the direction of the voice. No one was there. "Jiro..." The voice called out again, this time it was a lot closer and clearer. "TU!" Jiro called out. He then remembered Tu's words. "... Pass the tests... do not fail or we all die...." 

Jiro scowled as he raised his chin to the light of the opal. He then took long strides towards it and raised his hands. He reached out and roughly grapsed the opal that was the size of Cuju ball. Surprisingly he felt a cool sesation run through his body. "What are you doing?!" The opal shouted in a mixture of a child like voice and deep baritone voice, overlapping eachother.