Jiro' Betrayal Part 3

Jiro's face flushed, he clenched his jaw as his eyes burned with rage. "Lies!" He yelled while Yaalon averted his gaze from Tu. "Yaalon, you know this to be true. That prideful man will never accept another man's child as his own. He will kill me and your son the moment he finds out." Tu said sorrowfully as she gently placed her hand on Yaalon's face and coaxed him to look at her. Tears brimming her eyes as she begged with her whole being.

"Son?" Yaalon echoed pitifully. "NEVER! I would protect your son with my life!" Jiro shouted in his defense. "That's right Yaalon. Your son. I am four months along and have been faking my menses." Tu admitted. Jiro dropped to his knees. "Four months?" Jiro asked pitifully, looking at Tu with pain striken eyes.