Tu's Power

"Is that it? Is that the end?" Ariana asked quietly. Rahul stayed silent for a moment as he raised his gaze towards the sky. 'I wish it was.' Rahul admitted. "So what happened? What made you change from Jiro the benevolent into Rahul the Goddess's conspirer?" Ariana asked bitterly.

'Benevolent? Conspirer?!' Rahul laughed. He brought his gaze back down then nudged Ariana's head with his snout. 'If only I was actually acting with benevolence but the truth is I just wanted to see my loved ones happy. I couldn't stand in their way.' Rahul said with a bittersweet smile.

'Well that's what I wanted to believe but what happened next is what made me who I am today.' Rahul continued.

Ariana glanced at Rahul and pouted. She didn't want to hear his story at first and hated that she was forced too but now that they were near the end she wanted to know what made him change. What secrets was Rahul holding?