Jiro's Regrets

WIth the power of the opal Tu was able to change the army back into humans but her power was not enough. Each man and women was cursed, they would turn into a horrid demon every full moon. She swore to the army that she would increase her power so that she could break the curse. That the reason for her lack of power was the child she needed to protect in her womb. Jiro's child. The man who sacrificed his life to bring them back to life.

Just as Tu predicted, the army's loyalty sky rocketd and they all pledged their lives to her and the child. 

Once the army made it into the city they were greeted by crowds of people, they all cheered as they marched by. Tu sat on a horse wearing her regular uniform and cradled the opal against her body, smiling from ear to ear. When they finally made it to the palace the Council and the Emperor were there waiting for them. "Tu." The Emperor called out with a confused look. "Where is my uncle?" He continued.