Pitiful and Powerless

Kadia knew that the day was approaching but she didn't think that it would have happened so soon. "Darling," Kadia called out as she face a small golden fountain, it was filled with sparkling, crystal clear waters and reflected her fair and beautiful face. "Darling, Ingemar, please answer." Kadia called out again. The water started to ripple and a fair face appeared. His royal purple eyes caused Kadia to sigh happily. "My love..." He replied.

"She's done it." Kadia said in a melancholy tone. "Who has done what?' Ingemar asked. "That child, she has severed her ties with me." Kadia said pitifully. "Is that not you were hoping for?" Ingemar asked. "Well yes, but I feel lonely not being able to watch her daily life as closely as I have been." Kadia replied. Ingemar let out a small chuckle and it caused Kadia to blush.