Searching and Speaking

'Do you now where to look?' Loralei asked as she tried to move but Ariana held out her hand to signal her to stop. "No but you need to rest. B-Bertha said that there is a lot of dark magic here and you need to absorb so you can be revived." Ariana said then pulled her hand back and hugged herself instead. 'I don't have to do anything to absorb the dark magic. It's flowing into me automatically and I feel stronger now.' Loralei said as she flapped her fins.

Ariana shook her head no. "Give it a few more minutes. No wait until you can change into your true form, then, then you can help me but right now you just need to rest." Ariana said as she averted her gaze. She couldn't look Loralei in the eyes. 'Fine but I swear it won't take long.' Loralei pouted. "Thank you." Ariana whispered then turned to look at Gautum's office.