Obscured Sight

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Tillie said as she patted Ariana's clawed hand. "How did they find us? Our plan was flawless!" Edlyn gasped. "Plan?" Ariana asked as she slowly removed her hand from Tillie. "We had multiple carriages sent out looking for you. If someone found you all the others would act as decoys. We wouldn't even signal eachother of we found you... Ariana, if we're being ambushed right now then you're being hunting down." Tillie replied. Ariana's eye's widened. 

"Who would be hunting," Ariana started but then a thought hit her. "Do you know who's carriage you're stopping?!" Roland shouted from outside. Everyone in the carriage held their breathes as they listened for a reply. "If you take another step closer I will assume you're actions to be hostile and I will use force to protect this carriage!" Roland shouted even fiercer.