Moving A City Part 1

Ariana looked uncomfortable, her face was flushed a deep red and she clutched the edge of her seat. Cayden looked equally uncomfortable. His lips were pursed and his eyes were blood shot. King Joey looked pleased as he stroked his chin. "Your world is advanced as ours." King Joey said. "Yup." Ariana answered quickly. "But you call everything we have with different names." King Joey said as he reached over to get his notepad.

"Yes." Cayden replied as quickly. "But your relationship with each other seems to be quite messy." King Joey said. Cayden and Ariana burned a bright red. "I mean not being able to embrace your lover because of child bearing consequences... it's quite," King Joey said as he eyed the two. "Please no more!" Ariana cried as she covered her face with her claws.