Listening and Maddening 7

Davion dreamt of a beautiful fairy, she held her arms wide open for him as if waiting for him to jump into her embrace. It was hard to see her face, her light was too bright but the warmth her light was giving him was overwhelming. A strange feeling was taking over him, he wanted to light, no he needed the light. Every fiber of his very being urged him to open his arms and accept the fairy.

"Big brother!" 

Davion opened his eyes. "Brother!" Donte shouted as he cried. Big, wet tears tumbled down elegantly from Donte's eyes and landed onto Davion's face. "What happened?" Davion asked with a hoarse voice. "I don't know?!" Donte shouted.

Davion sighed as he reached up and caught Donte with in an embrace. Donte cried as Davion soothed him with a slow and rhythmic back pat as he stared up at the ceiling. After Donte's breathing calmed down Davion felt his own nerves settle.