Listening and Maddening 9

"Ma, you're not making any sense! Power? What-?!" Davion started to say in a panic but his mother's stern look silenced him. Davion's eyes shook but then a soft smile spread across her face as she gingerly handed Donte to him. "Keep him safe, don't let them know what Donte did." She said softly. Davion nodded his head as he held his brother tightly. "Run." She whispered. 

Davion's eyes started to water but he couldn't afford to hesitate. He turned around and ran towards the front door. He caught a glimpse of his father's face but didn't stop, he ran out of the house and rushed towards the village. "We can hide in the crowd, there's no way they can find us. I swear I'll protect you." Davion said to the unconscious Donte as he ran but then he stopped dead in his tracks.

A million thoughts ran through his head.

'Will the villagers sell them out?'

'Was there anyone that would give him a helping hand?' 

'Could he really leave his mother behind...'