Davion and Donte's End

Ariana opened her mouth and then quickly covered it with her hands. Her eyes shook as she looked at King Ingamar. "It's alright, a little shock won't be held against you." He said with a small chuckle.

Ariana lowered her hands and blushed. King Ingamar ignored her reaction and went on.

"It seems that my wife and children knew about the Goddess of the moonlight. My wife knew from the very beginning and that hurt me... To think she would wake up every morning acting like nothing was wrong and when my kids were old enough she told them."

Ariana's lips started to quiver. She really tried to hold it together but tears started to stream down her face. 

"I didn't deserve her nor did she deserve the kind of husband that would cheat on her regularly. They admitted that they were confused and one night they followed me. They could see that we were friends but their mother said it was more then that and wondered why I never ran away with her."