Searching Ancalagon Part 2

Ariana started flipping through books as she watched Danica walk around the library starry eyed. Ariana dropped her gaze back to the book, she tried to read a few sentences but her thoughts were running wild. 

"Do you have a plan?" Rahul asked.

"No... maybe?" Ariana replied internally. 

"We are stuck in here." Vasu said nonchalantly. Ariana sighed, she knew Vase was right. "I wish that was are only problem." Ariana grumbled.

'Is it because of the girl?' Davita asked. Ariana gripped the sides of the book. 

The library was busier than what she expected, and it seemed that their stalkers were able to follow them inside. The obvious male wearing the guards uniform stationed himself before a bookshelf and awkwardly searched for a book while the other male wearing a grey tunic, brown slacks and fingerless gloves was chatting up the help desk. Strategically blocking her exit.