Little Lady Devil

A few weeks passed by after the lawsuit had been filed against Rong Yufan. 

The High Court, in a decision that infuriated the public, merely fined Rong Yufan 2 Million USD. To many, this felt like a slap on the wrist for a crime that barbaric. The emotional and physical torment that Rong Xinghe endured could never be imagined. It wasn't just the fans and the public who cried and lashed out—there was a national uproar over the injustice. 

Yet, to everyone's surprise, the Six Tigers who were expected to be the most agitated remained calm. Their mission behind the lawsuit had already been accomplished anyway.

They had never cared about lawful justice in this case, to begin with. In fact, they preferred he roam free. They had watched Rong Xinghe in the hospital after that fall, they had witnessed her gruesome wounds, and they had been the ones to listen to her sob every night. They'd be damned if his death was nothing more than a merciful death by hanging from a lowly court.

No, that would be too easy—too kind, for the Six Tigers' liking.

Their angel would become his personal hell, they'd pledged internally. And if she chose not to, they'd always been her Six Devils—more than exhilarated to carry out any sin in her name.

Via this case, what they wanted was for him to be publicly declared guilty, to strip away his façade, rip off his mask, and expose him for the snake he truly was.

They didn't need a cage to trap him—they planned to build one far more suffocating. Because the real punishment they had in mind wasn't imprisonment. No, it would be far worse. A hell so cruel and unforgiving, the mere mention of their sister's name would send shivers down the spines of the Rong family. They would make sure the Rongs knew exactly what it meant to toy with the life of their little sister. And this was just the beginning.

Their strategy was a stroke of brilliance, diligence, and far-sightedness.

The first thing they secured in court was the custody of Rong Xinghe and Rong Xiao. The girls were only 15, and under the law, they required a legal guardian. They presented an undeniable cluster of evidence proving that the Rong family was unfit to care for them—emotionally and physically abusive, neglectful, and harmful to their well-being. The court had no choice but to agree, of course. It was that, or face the wrath of Zhi and Lu Business Groups.

In a matter of days, the Rongs had lost control over the twins, and the eldest of the six men, Lu Wei had taken over their legal custody. 

The second victory was ensuring that when Rong Xinghe turned 18, she would have the legal right to claim the position of CEO in the Rong Business Empire. The brothers had already glimpsed her sharp intellect and strategic brilliance. Despite her young age, she possessed an intellect capable of outwitting even seasoned business professionals. They wanted to keep that door open for her, not just as an act of hatred against the Rongs but because they believed in her potential.

However, the second win was barely an option, not an obligation. It was up to her whether she wanted to walk that path, but they wanted her to know that she could fight for her throne if she wished to. They were readying her to be capable of doing anything she wanted—to lead a business empire, or to carve out a future of her own. And knowing her, they'd stand behind her, prepared to watch her dance through life with a smile across her lips.

The Rong family, blindsided by the strength and the reasoning of the brothers' case, couldn't put on any real defense against these demands. In the eyes of the law, the six men were practical and realistic. 

Publicly, the Rongs were shamed. The verdict of guilt had branded them with a permanent stain, and while Rong Yufan may not have been imprisoned, his social reputation was destroyed beyond restoration. He was now a marked man, not just by the public, but by the most powerful figures in the country—the Six Tigers to the Rong twins.

Rong Yufan was bound to soon realize that his worst days were not behind him. The Six men were patient. They knew the true art of revenge better than anyone. They intended to bring the Rong family to its knees—not through violence, but through a series of calculated, merciless moves.

They would make sure every business ally turned their backs on them, every deal slipped through their fingers, and every shred of their legacy crumbled into dust. The international alliances they once bragged of would wilt away, one by one, as the Six men staged the Rongs' downfall behind the scenes. 

But it wasn't just about taking them down in the business world. The Six brothers wanted to warrant that the Rongs felt the same level of helplessness and dread that Rong Xinghe did when she was pushed from that train. They would be trapped in unending agony, watching everything they built collapse, too powerless to stop it. Every sleepless night, every frantic attempt to recover their name, every failed rescue would remind them of the day they betrayed their own blood.

And when the time came—if their sister ever chose to reclaim what was rightfully hers—they would be ready to bury bodies for her. Until then, they would wage this silent war on her behalf, ensuring that every breath the Rong family took was marred with the fear of losing everything.


Two years flew by, turning the Rong twins 17 now, marking a significant period of growth and transformation for Rong Xinghe and Rong Xiao. In this time, while Rong Xiao decided to follow in her Bro Su's footsteps, and embraced the medical profession; Rong Xinghe dedicated herself to personal development, immersing herself in the study of several languages.

Learning became a captivating adventure for the now 17-year-olds, and their enthusiasm was infectious.

With the unwavering support of her six brothers, Rong Xinghe successfully mastered an impressive total of eleven languages: English, Mandarin, German, French, Japanese, Hindi, Russian, Arabic, Hungarian, Navajo, and Spanish. Each language rolled off her tongue with noteworthy fluency now. She frequently interacted with her brothers in those languages, skillfully selecting the ones each of them was familiar with to outsmart the locals, their little prank master!

The trauma from the train incident still haunted Rong Xinghe, creeping into the shadows of her mind, unfortunately. Nightmares plagued her. Any reminder of that painful night could send her spiraling into a breakdown. She would call out for them in those moments of crippling fear, but unlike that awful horrendous darkness, one of the Six men always responded to her cries, providing her with their reassuring and soothing presence. It broke their hearts to see her in such distress, but over time, she would calm down again. Not to mention, she had mustered her courage and found new ways to navigate her afflictions. 

She poured her energy into her NGO, which focused on providing education and resources to children in need, as well as organizing concerts through her creation, the Youth Team. Balancing academics with extracurricular activities kept her busy, serving as a distraction from the haunting memories of the incident four years ago.

Nevertheless, in the center of all that chaos, Rong Xinghe has discovered a new, mischievous hobby: playfully forcing her Six single brothers into finding their dream girls. Armed with an iPad filled with profiles of potential sisters-in-law sourced from matrimonial sites, she would dash around the house, nagging them to date the women she had painstakingly shortlisted. With a hopeful twinkle in her eyes, she'd wave the printed photos in front of their faces—no matter how occupied they'd be—blabbering crap about the benefits of settling down.

"Look at this lady. She's perfect for you, Bro Lu! Just imagine the two of you together, sitting in a tree.", she would say, a devilish smirk spreading across her face. Her brothers, despite their initial ignorance of the topic, couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. They understood that beneath her childish antics lay a genuine wish for their happiness. How could they fault her for that?

Yet, even as she reveled in these jovial pursuits, a significant change loomed on the horizon- one that would envelop Xanvoria into a wave of sensational change.

It was a decision that would emerge from the depths of her willpower and bravery, challenging and reshaping every norm upheld by the nation for the better.