Much more ruthless than all six of them combined

Meanwhile, Lu Family Mansion ;

"So you are telling me that you made Qui Chin believe that she was sexually abused. That she was defiled by your men.", Lu Wei asked the girl, his gaze incredulous.

The Superfamily had gathered in the living room in order to discuss Mo Zixuan's wedding arrangements not too long ago. It was only after they were done discussing it did Zhi Al enquired about the girl's revenge against Qui Chin. Naturally, the girl updated them about everything, including Marie Stewart and Robert Stewart. It would've been an understatement to say that the six men weren't surprised by their Kiddo's ruthlessness. In fact, the girl's Sisters-in-law were beyond shocked.

Rong Xinghe swept her gaze over her family and nodded indifferently. She then closed her eyes and leaned back, resting her head against her bro Mo's shoulder.

"But how?", Su Rogguang raised his brows, "How did you manage to do it?"