The Invasion

Orgueil Banquet Hall, 18:00;

Unknown to where their son and to be daughter-in-law was, Xi Chongkun and Li Jungah took advantage of the event to oppress those who'd started to imagine taking over their son's throne since Rong Xinghe had announced his position in the Military. Of course, Rong Xinghe's presence alongside Xi Yuan was a stronger statement itself, warning and subjugating anyone who could possibly wish to replace Xi Yuan in the Xi Corporations. But even so, the Xi family's elders' opinions would prove to be a full stop to it all. 

Every power-seeking individual around tonight talked in circles, trying to understand the authority status of the Xi family, and yet, not daring to suggest anything atrocious. But there was one person throughout the event, who wished to propose a name, desperately too, at that.