The sore loser

Rong Xinghe and Xi Yuan had just reached the Farmhouse when the man's phone started ringing in his pocket. Still holding onto Rong Xinghe's one hand, the man picked it up absent-mindedly, bringing it to his ear.

"Is she okay?", Zhi Xi's voice came through the other end, "We just saw the headlines."

"Ask her for yourself.", Xi Yuan smiled, passing the device to the girl beside him. 

"Hello, Brother?", the girl greeted, "I am fine."

"That's a relief, then.", the man replied, nodding at Lu Wei and Mo Zixuan sitting across from him assuringly, "Don't let such trifling issues bother you, okay? Simply focus on your health. We'll handle everything else here."

"Okay.", the girl grinned, "Um... can't Bro Al help Yuan with this problem, though? He is insanely nifty with computers and stuff. Can he, by any chance, figure out who might've hacked into Yuan's system?"