"And Then… I Called Xinghe"

The next morning, Diablos arranged for Rong Xinghe to be discharged from the hospital and brought her to his lavish five-story villa in Northern Kabul. Despite the change in surroundings, she remained unconscious, still heavily sedated, and under the influence of multiple drugs coursing through her system.

Determined to keep her safe, Diablos had hired a private nurse to care for her while he tried to figure out who was responsible for her condition—and what his next move should be.

As the man carefully laid her fragile form onto his bed, Nifhel quietly adjusted the lighting in the room to a soft, calming glow. Diablos sat beside her, his eyes studying the contours of her face. With a tenderness that overpowered the storm raging within him, he caressed her right cheek with his knuckles subconsciously. A heavy ache clutched onto his dark sinful heart as he silently fought the battle between his need for vengeance and his fierce protectiveness for her.