Issue 63: Secret Wars End

Reed, Johnny, and MJ, all jumped into her arms and started crying, "I'm so glad you're okay."

Sue looked puzzled as she questioned, "What's happening?"

Peter began to explain the situation, and after he finished, he smiled and said, "You need to keep wearing my Symbiote until your child is born. It's the only way to keep you and your baby healthy. Reed also needs to get to work on creating a way to suppress this kid's power, some kind of device that can limit his ability to warp reality."

Sue looked to Peter and pulled him into the group hug, "Thank you for saving my baby!" Peter patted her on the back and said, "It's okay, I mean, we're practically family. And I have no doubt in my mind that you would do the same for me."

"But what about your suit?" Sue asked feeling the collection of powers Webster coursing through her.

"I'll be fine, I have a spare. I mean, it's not as good as my Symbiote, but using my magic suit should be just as fine for now," Peter replied as he pulled the spare suit along with his bag of infinite space out of Webster.

Reed and Johnny hugged Peter tightly, and kept saying "Thank you!"

MJ smiled and watched them with a gentle expression on her face. They continued to talk and help Sue adjust to her new and temporary powers, after a long while, Peter looked outside and noticed that it was starting to get dark.

Sue insisted that they stay for dinner and agreed before they chatted about their lives and what they've been up to lately. 

"No fair, Web Head, how come you never invite me to these events?" Johnny shouted.

"Because you're always busy! Flaming Torchick" Peter shot back.

"Did you just call me a pokemon, again?" Johnny shouted.

"Oh, no, are you about to use flame thrower!?" Peter laughed.

"S…shut it! Go spin some webs Spinarak!" Jhonny yelled out.

"Stealing jokes now, Johnny? You can do better than that. But maybe that's too much to ask from a guy who is constantly frying their brain in literal fires." Peter pointed his finger back at Johnny.

Everyone started to laugh at the two of them bickering. After dinner, the two Spider-Heroes decided to call it a day and went back to Avengers tower to take a break. Tony called him to come work on his new project while his Parents and MJ joined in as well.

The time spent with his family was a welcome one. At the moment, they were total strangers to him. With being imprisoned for most his life, they missed out on a lot, and the job he was working with Tony was helping him reconnect with his family. 

MJ enjoyed the time he spent with his mother as well. Their favorite past time was teasing Peter to the point he turned red, and Tony enjoyed every second of it. 

"Damn baby stories...I can't even be mad at them because I'll probably do it to my kids someday."

Tony and his father were helping him create their own company, and with having Stark-Tech as an influential partner and brother-company, Peter was having a much easier time looking for capable and honest men to work for him. Part of Peter wondered if Shield was helping him behind the scenes by sending the right people his way.

Peter, Tony, and Richard worked together until they had the basic design of Peter's company building when thinking of a name, Tony couldn't resist throwing out some really fun titles.

"How about, Silk, no too fancy, how about, Spiderfam Inc, no you're not publicly Spider-Man yet, hmm, I got it, Webhead Industries, augh, still not my top tier," Tony suddenly slapped his fist into his open palm, "Aha! I got it! Dick and Peter's Tech Co. A real manly name is I do say so…snicker…"

Peter smirked, "You wanna do this with the King of Diss? Sorry, STARK, but I'm not vain enough to use my own name for a company."

"Oof, I feel the heat from that one, son." Richard laughed and held out his hand for a high five, with a quick slap Tony shook his head and laughed.

Time passed by pretty slowly that day. He had a lot of fun catching up with his father and explaining how he got ahold of a giant ship the size of a small city was fun to watch how he freaked out.

"So, about that name?" Richard said as he geeked out over the alien tech.

"I'm thinking of something futuristic and inspiring. Arcadia Industries? Since Arcadia means a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature. I think it fits with my ideas for a company that stands for the betterment of all humankind and the planet we live on."

"Not bad, but you can do better," Stark rolled his eyes.

"I called up the Defenders to take our patrols for the next couple of days," MJ wrapped her arms around Peter's neck with a hug.

"Oh, thank god. Honestly, I just like to spend the day with you guys. I've been working myself ragged, not to mention our magic studies."

"About that, you got to let me on that," Tony said with a grin.

"Sure, when we feel good enough to teach," MJ stuck her tongue out.

Peter laughed as he saw the grown man pout.

"So, what are you going to do with this mini-city?" Richard asked.

"I'll make bridge and use it to connect the ship to the city. I've already made most of the buildings in the biomes for the school, the rest will be rentals and that big one over there will be Arcadia Industries," Peter said as he pointed to the largest skyscraper.

"That one over there is going to be my textile and fashion company," MJ bragged with an excited expression, "It even has the sign up! Rosemary Inc. is ready to shine! I even got a couple of my friends to agree to be my models!"

"Since it's technically not on land and off grid, you get to avoid some pesky taxes, you lucky dog," Tony's eyebrow twitched.

"But aren't people going to freak out when a small city pops up in middle New York?" MJ lifted a brow.

"That's what the press conferences are for. Eddie knows our identities, so we shouldn't let him abuse that. Once I go public, I'll announce the business and new floating mass outside everyone's windows. Technically, nothing I'm doing is illegal, but I know how hard the politicians are going to gripe and bother me. I think it's time I get a good lawyer."

"Got someone in mind?" Peter's mother asked.

"A couple people actually,"

"Who?" MJ asked.

"Someone who owes me a favor," Peter made his suit appear.

"Going out?" Richard lifted a brow.

"Yeah, I'll be back for lunch. MJ? You coming?"

"Sure, can't wait to see what you got planned."

The two Spider-Heroes said goodbye and went to Hell's kitchen.

"Hello, Matt." Peter grinned.


While Peter was getting ready for his first hire, across the city at Oscorp Labs, Norman was currently shutting down the Super Soldier project.

"What are you doing?! We're so close!" Kingsley shouted.

"I only started this program to heal my wife. However, since the doctors say she's been cured, I have no need for a place that does nothing but suck away all my money. You've had your chance, Kingsley. I told you to get me results and you failed."

"Failed?! The recent lab test show an increase in the formula's strengthen method across the board."

"But you're leaving out a detail. I don't need a weapon that becomes a lunatic. I saw the trail test. Do you know how hard it is to cover up a dead body? Even with him signing a waiver, it's hard to convince the public that it was just a work related incident."


"What? Thought you wouldn't get caught? Mr. Kingsley, I'm not mad that you killed someone. I'm mad that you lied about it being ready and failed." Osborn leaned in, "For the last time."

"Please, sir. Just…just one more chance. I promise. I've made some changes to the formula, I know that I got it right this time."

"I'll be sending for security to escort you out," Osborn snapped his fingers before a group of men came marching in the room.

"Please! Don't do this! I swear I got it right!" Kingsley shouted as the men started dragging him off.

"Consider it a mercy I haven't called the police," Norman said as he walked away.



After convincing Matt to support his endeavor, Peter waved goodbye as they headed towards Manhattan.

"Where are we heading now?"

"Harry's place. I want to ask his mom to become our environmental lawyer," Peter answered before thinking, "And to try and keep the Green Goblin from being born. Hopefully, offering to form a partnership will get Osborn out of the dirty side of business."

"You're going to offer Osborn a job?" MJ knew about his history as the Green Goblin thanks to meeting with the alternate timeline version of themselves. She learned a lot about what kind of turns their future could take and who their biggest villains might be.

"Yeah, I don't like the guy, but he knows how to handle the more volatile side business. Now if I can just him to use those powers for good," Peter shook his head.

"You want him as an attack dog?" MJ laughed.

"Who better?" Peter chuckled.

The two continued webbing until they ended up at a large building they had only been to a couple of times before.

They landed on the terrace and looked in to see the family eating lunch. However, daddy Osborn wasn't around.

"Probably at work," Peter said as he tapped on the window.

The two Osborns looked up from their meals and opened their mouths wide as they saw the Spider-Couple waving at them.

"Ahem, is this a bad time?" Peter said as he jumped off the wall.

Seeing them not responding, MJ called out, "Can we speak for a minute?"

"It's the Spider-Duo!" Harry shouted as he ran over and opened the door.

"Yeah, I was here to talk about a deal I'd like to make with Osborn and your mother," Peter said as he pulled out a document.

"I just went over this with my lawyer. It's a contract for something truly revolutionary, and I want your environmental R&D Department on my team."

"I'm sorry? What?" Emily Osborn said with a shocked expression.

"I'm a fan of your research, and I want to fund your department. Actually, I want you to work for me," Peter said with crossed arms.

"Work…for…Spider-Man?" Emily lifted a brow.

"He's starting a multi-tech company and he wants to offer Oscorp a partnership."

"Spider-Man is starting a company? Wait, can he do that?" Harry mumbled while curiously eyeing the contract.

"Oh, and be sure to tune in to the news channels. Something fun is going to happen in the following week. I think you're going to like what you see," MJ stated as she webbed to a distant building.

"Later, Harry!" Peter jumped off and started web-slinging away.

"I should of asked for an autograph!" Harry shouted in frustration.

Emily looked at the thick folder of papers and said, "Well, let's see what this is all about."

The Spider-Duo stopped on a building and took a look at their city before MJ asked, "So where are you going to put it?"

"Depends, where do you want it?" Peter wrapped his arms around her.

"Pervert!" MJ chuckled, "Seriously. That ship almost as big as Shelter Island, where is it going to go?"

 "I was thinking Lower Bay, between Brighton and Midland beach," Peter smirked.

"Seriously? You just had to put it next to Queens," MJ laughed.

"Hey, what do you expect, I'm the friendly NEIGHBORHOOD Spider-Man. Gotta represent my home."

"Alright, let's go prepare, you an interview tomorrow," MJ said as she web another line before stopping and asking, "Why don't you use that magic trick your 616 counterpart used?"

"Well…I don't agree with it. Sure, I might be able to shield my loved ones better, but I also feel like I have to take responsibility for the events that played out thus far. Venom will most certainly try and pressure us with our identities, but now that we gave our loved ones some suits, they should be safe. Kind of hard to take down someone with the built in Spider-Sensing Radar I put in those things."

"What about you, are you sure you want to go through with this? I mean, it's a lot of pressure," Peter asked.

"We can handle this. It'll be good publicity for our startup companies too. I've made a list of capable vice leaders so we can continue working as heroes. We just have to get the company up, put out a few products, and let our very own version of Pepper Potts run the thing," MJ replied before sighing, "I'm just worried about ending up like Osborn. What if I end up neglecting our family? We know what that was like for Harry."

"With how many trustworthy chairmen that I've got planned to work for us, I don't think that's going to happen. There's Anna Maria, Max Modell, Betty Ross, Debra Whitman, my dad, Miles Warren, and I even got Shield to help me get a couple agents that Coulson trained. I think we'll have a lot of free time on our hands. No neglecting family for us," Peter laughed.

Peter wouldn't admit, but he had hoped by hiring a couple of these people, he could avoid making certain villains.

"Good…I don't think I can take working 24\'7 and being a super hero. It get real hectic, real fast."

The two went back home and had dinner with their family. They had a lot to discuss. Since the duo had to unmask, there was a lot of stuff to go over. Later that night, Matt dropped by to help with more legal issues.

For one, they're trade marking their Hero names. Anyone conglomerate that's made products using their image will have to pay up. He wasn't going to go after individual creators and step on the little man, but he was going to tear into the companies that have been making fortunes off their image.

MJ was especially happy that she could take down some competition in the clothing industry.

"So how do you want to do this?"

"First of all, I don't want to rock the boat too much. 25% of the profit and royalties sounds fair," Peter thought that asking for more would result in some average Joe or Jane losing his job.

"You could ask for more," Matt mentioned.

"Nah, that's good for me too. But the one that made me a provocative motivational poster, they have to pay. Seriously, hang in there in a bikini? That guy gets nothing!" MJ snickered.

"Did Foggy get the down payment?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, he nearly passed out. 30 million can help us hire quite a few lawyers, and we'll need them too. We have a lot of products to track down," Matt laughed.

"Cool, I guess we'll see you tomorrow," Peter shook his hand.

"I guess we'll have to say goodbye to this place," Aunt May looked out her house.

"We've lived here for a long time," Ben followed up.

"The new residential area on the ship is far more secure. The houses Tony and I designed are really nice, not too much clutter and the perfect amount of nature, not mention we'll have a seaside view too," Peter smiled.

"With Hydra still out there, we won't be safe. Maybe you can rent the place out like you did for my old place and come back when it's safe," Richard put his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Not a bad idea, Richie. I'll deal with that after we pack everything up," Ben replied with a comfortable expression.

"Ah, Shield will take care of that," MJ said as she called up Maria Hill.

"Well, shall we go?" Marie nudged her head towards their cars.

Everyone drove to Tony's place and was shown the Ship that Peter and MJ named the S.S Watker.

When they arrived at their new house, they marveled at the ships size and how green their new neighborhood was. The place had plenty of yard space, was a futuristic-looking house that was pleasant to the eyes, two stories with ten rooms consisting of four bed rooms, a kitchen, living room, basement, garage, and two bathrooms.

While Peter teleported their packed belongings and they spent that day unpacking and decorating the house.

When they started getting ready for the bed, he had called Sue to help set up a press meeting, and let triple J host the conference in his building, for posterity's sake. He also made a few other calls to ask them to prepare for a few videos he would need.

"I called in a lot of favors with this one," Peter yawned.

"We're good for it," MJ snickered, "Did your background checks pay out?"

"Yeah, the people I picked are golden. The company is actually taking shape," Peter nodded his head.

"Honestly, I was expecting this to happen later. I mean, we still have university to deal with, and we're not 18 yet, so our parents are technically in control of our companies, but we're the ones basically running it," MJ said as sat on their bed.

"You nervous too?" He asked as he sat beside her.

"A bit," MJ leaned into his shoulder, "So, any news on Eddie?"

"No, he's smart and has them memories of an alternate version of me. Whatever resources Hydra has given him is allowing him hiding him from my new Scrying Spell. Pretty sure they have a magic devision."


"Yeah, but I'll find him. It's just a matter of time," Peter smiled.

Peter and MJ spent time with their family while enjoying the week off, only dealing with legal issues, permits, setting up a conference, and settling their family in to their new living space.

When it came time for the day to reveal their identities, the two went to bed earlier so they could wake up the next morning and ready for the conference of their lives.


While they napped in the same bed, across town, in an old warehouse, a certain doctor had spent every last penny he had to make a proper lab. He sold his house, his car, and all his most valued objects to get everything he needed for the experiment.

The man in question was none other than Doctor Kingsley. He currently sitting what looked like a glass chamber with dozens of automated injection ports on his body. 

He pressed a button before injecting himself with an experimental serum while the chamber filled with radiated gas. 

His muscles swelled as it broke through the restraints while his body height increased to 8 feet tall. His skin turned orange while his hair fell out and his ears became pointed. He looked exactly like an orange version of the Ultimate Green Goblin.

A sinister laugh echoed through the room, "HAHAHAHAH! I've succeeded!"


When he got up, Spider-Man started the day by accessing the web. Not the World Wide Web, but the special one.

Using the Space, Mind, and Reality Gemstones, he was gathering information from various worlds and timelines. Today, he'd spend a full minute gathering information from a version of him that was an genius Chemist/Alchemist. 

When he finished memorizing several formula and techniques from that version's memories, he ran out of time and realized it was getting a bit late.

Peter took a shower, got dressed, and ate with his family before heading into a car that Tony sent.

 "Natasha, good to see you again," Peter gave a subtle nod as he sat down.

"Nat!" MJ gave her a hug.

"So you're really going through with this?" Natasha asked as MJ sat next to Peter.

"What can I say? We felt bad being the only avengers with a secret identity," Peter chuckled.

"We put a lot of thought into this. We decided it was for the better. Besides, I've always wanted to be famous."

"Might not be what you expect. You'll get a lot of attention whether you want it or not," The Black Widowed shook her head.

"Our family is living here, I don't the paparazzi will be able to get in with security features made by the brightest people on the planet," Peter laughed.

"True, not everyone has their own floating city,"

"You haven't seen anything yet, wait until we make the beach," Peter smirked.

"You're, making a beach?" Natasha lifted a brow.

"Heheh, yeah, Spider-Powers aren't the only powers we have," MJ gave a sly smile.

"Well, I'll look forward to the show," Natasha nodded her head.

"So, how are things with hunting Hydra?" Peter asked as he watched the car pull out of the garage and out onto the street.

"Well. With Professor X being a lie detector, we've been able to root out Hydra completely. As a bonus, we even managed to oust a few council members."

"That's good," MJ smiled.

"It is. For one, the Avengers are now a global peace keeping force that has diplomatic immunity in all countries. With Fury being the sole leader, we can finally advance the initiative as we originally wanted," Natasha handed Peter a folder.

"Cool, so we're like global cops that can act with complete autonomy. Any stipulations?" Mary Jane questioned.

"We need at least ten board members and we're not to get involved in wars or political conflicts." 

"Unless they're spurred on by a crime or threaten humanity as a whole," Peter said as he flipped through the new contract, "Fury outdid himself."

MJ started to read what was in the folder, and after a few minutes she looked up and asked, "Wait, does them we can't be charged with murder?"

Peter pointed to a few lines, "Not unless it can be prevented. We have the same right to survive clause Police officers have. Only use lethal force if absolutely necessary."

The felt the car come to a stop before Natasha opened the door and stepped out to help a certain blond soon to be mom inside.

"Peter! MJ! It's so good to see you again,"

"Missed you too, Sue! How's the baby?" MJ questioned with a warm smile.

"The baby is doing fine. Honestly, since Peter lent me the suit, I can barely tell I'm pregnant at all," Sue laughed.

"I'm glad to hear that. Did Matt send you guys the contract?" Peter asked as she sat down.

"That he did. Of course, we signed. Getting our own lab in a real alien Spaceship, is a dream come true. There's no way Reed could turn that down. Heck, even I'm dying to see what kind of labs and technology you've uncovered."

The car started again, and they all drove down to the Daily Bugle. When the car stopped, they put their suits on and exited the car before they walked inside to the conference room.

Peter waited until the room filled with reporters while they were assaulted with constant snaps of their cameras and the garbled questions of dozens of reporters asking them at the same time.

"Ahem," Peter stepped up to the podium, "Glad I have your attention. Ladies and gentlemen, I've brought you here to make a very important announcement."