Old Habits Die Hard

"Mr. Fuse, there's a bus stop behind. You could just drop me here." Tsubaki had just noticed that the SUV had driven passed a bus stop. She immediately gestured for Ren to stop his car.

Ren shook his head. "I can't let a young lady like you use public transport alone on a rainy night like this. It isn't safe."


"Don't worry. The hospital is on my way home. It's not a problem."

Ren reassured her. Little did Tsubaki know his way home was actually opposite the way to the hospital. But, it wasn't like he would tell her the truth. She would insist on being dropped off here if he did.

"Then, I'll take your offer. Thank you, Mr. Fuse."

Tsubaki nodded in gratitude. If the man himself said it was okay, there was no reason for her to continue rejecting it.

After all, it had started raining. She could be soaked in rainwater if she insisted on getting a bus.

Once again they sat in silence. Tsubaki threw her gaze outside, watching the rain damping every object and person it touched. She liked the tranquility brought by the rain.

If most people associated rain with gloominess, she would think of quiet and peacefulness when the rain falls freely on Earth.

Ren smiled secretly when he looked at Tsubaki's face. He knew what she was thinking.

Tsubaki would stop what she was doing and quietly listen to the sound of the rain whenever it was raining back then.

Old habits die hard. After some time, she would resume her work in a better mood.

Ten minutes later, Ren dropped Tsubaki at the entrance of Suzuki University Hospital. The hospital was still packed with visitors at this hour. Ren couldn't stay long since a line of cars was already waiting behind his car.

"Thank you for giving me a ride here."

"You're welcome. We'll meet again tomorrow anyway. I still need to pick up my cakes." Ren smiled teasingly.

Tsubaki giggled. "Yes. See you tomorrow."

She quickly opened the car door and walked towards the glass door of the hospital lobby.

Before Ren drove away, she turned around and gave him one last bow.

Ren waved at her before he drove his car to the parking area. He didn't have any intention to leave the hospital so soon.

After Ren parked his car, he dashed through the rain. Once he was inside the hospital lobby, he took off his slightly wet jacket and wiped his face with a handkerchief.

Ren knew where he should go. He went inside an elevator and pressed the button to the fifth floor.

Inside a ward on the fifth floor.

"I'm so sorry, Satsuki. Your sister couldn't get here any earlier."

Tsubaki placed her tote bag on a chair beside a hospital bed. A lanky young man was leaning against the bedhead, a thick book was opened on his lap. His pale face lit up with the arrival of his sister.

"It's okay, sister. It's raining outside, you shouldn't have come in the first place."

"It's not okay, Satsuki." Tsubaki frowned. She adjusted the position of the pillows behind her brother's back. "I need to see your doctor after all. Thank God he's willing to see me after his work hours."

"I tell you already, Dr. Sakaguchi has a thing for you." Hanada Satsuki giggled.

"Nonsense." Tsubaki glared at him.

Dr. Sakaguchi was the attending physician for Satsuki since the first time he was admitted to the hospital. The 30-year-old doctor was a kind and capable one. Both of the siblings didn't have any difficulty dealing with him.

Tsubaki was glad she could leave Satsuki in Dr. Sakaguchi's care.

"I borrowed a new book from the town library. The due date is within a fortnight." Tsubaki took out a book from her bag. She placed it on Satsuki's bed. "Have you done with your current read?"

"Yes. I just reread it." Satsuki closed the book on his lap and gave it to his sister. "Thank you for borrowing this for me. I could die of boredom if I didn't have anything to do here."

Tsubaki patted her brother's head. "Please, just wait for a little longer. I believe we could find a donor soon."

Satsuki nodded. As he didn't want her sister to be worried, he just nodded his head. In his heart, his hope to live a healthy life might just be a wishful dream.

Sometimes, he would just rather die than continue burdening his sister.

"Oh! Look at the time!" Tsubaki looked at her watch. "I need to meet Dr. Sakaguchi. I'll leave after that. See you later, okay?"

Tsubaki took her bag and hugged Satsuki's frail body. Satsuki returned her gesture.

"I know you've been waiting for so long but please don't give up. And I know you're worried about your sister's financial status but I could lose money but not my brother. Okay?"

"Emm." Satsuki choked back a sob.

Tsubaki smiled and kissed his forehead. "Good night. Call me if you need anything."

"Be careful on your way home!"

Satsuki watched as his sister walked out of the ward and closed the door. He sighed and threw a look out the window.

The rain was still falling. The temperature had dropped a bit.

A few minutes later, Satsuki heard the sound of the door being opened. Turning his head, he was expecting the nurse to come to feed him medications.

"The medicine..."

Satsuki trailed off. His eyes widened once they lay on a tall figure standing at the door. He tried to form words but he couldn't.

The face of the man was someone he knew, albeit his a different appearance than before. Satsuki swallowed once before he tried again.

"Brother Shouto."