
It was a night in which the stars hid, and the moon slept. In this night a dark figure passed through the walls of Elanor. The City of Elanor may have been completely submerged in the warm embrace of darkness however its streets told a different story. Bright flashes would occur from time to time as a loud noise was heard from the streets. Whether it had been in the north, east, west and south of the city chaos reigned. The city of darkness had welcomed a new neighbour for the night. War.

I ran for my life as the thugs of the Bloody Scorpion Gang chased me. Ducking in an alley, I hid behind some old building entirely hiding my body. I could hear the faint footsteps of the two men. They ambled fully knowing that I could hear their footsteps.

"Little brat why don't you just come out from wherever you are hiding, and I promise I'll deliver you a painless death," One of the men said. I knew this voice; it was Burin, the Giant of the gang. He was known to be the most 'humane' in the bloody scorpion gang. He barely tortured people but instead delivered them a painless death but even then, I was not that stupid to go out, after all, I cherished my life, and I could not afford to die.

"Humph Burin why are we wasting our time looking for this darn kid, we could go out and kill those fuckers from the Black Bullet gang. How I would love to feast on their blood – "

"Thomas you know what the big boss said. This kid has special blood in him, and if he can extract it from him he will easily reach the next rank, by then the Black Bullet Gang will be history." Burin said interrupting the man named Thomas.

Thomas snorted displeased at being interrupted however he shut up after hearing the words of burin and started to look around the alley.

"You brat come out know or else I promise ill break every one of your bones in your body," Thomas said while sating to walk towards the direction of where I was hiding. Hearing him approaching me I held my tongue and made sure not to move a single inch of my body. If there were no darkness, one would see my face was pale as my long hairs stood up. I just hoped that the man-Thomas would not see me through the night.

It seemed some deity had heard my prayers he passed me and went looking up at the edges of the alleyway.

After a while, I could hear his high-pitched voice as he said. "Burin, the kid, is not here, he probably ran a long time ago. In my opinion its better we go for him before we lose him."

The giant Burin frowned as hesitation filled his face. He looked around the dark alley and finally said. "You are right Thomas, it better we go right now that risk losing the kid."

After some time, I could hear the two men – no the two monsters leaving the alley as their footsteps grew fainter and fainter. I did not dare risk the idea that they were hiding somewhere near, wholly unsure if I hadn't left, so I stayed in my position for a long time, at least an hour. During that time the thoughts of what happened in the city the last couple of hours played in my mind again and again.

The horror was increasing in my mind every time I went back to it. A fellow slave of mine or friend being killed or used as human resources against the Black bullet gang.

My name was Adrianus Von Frazier. I was from a minor Nobel family before we got framed for something we did not do by our enemies. A mighty clan situated in the Capital city, Carthage. My dad had saved me before my family got massacred. I ran away vowing vengeance only to be repaid in worse circumstances. Some slave traders in the north captured me and brought me to the infamous city of crime Elanor where In I got sold to the Bloody Scorpion Gang.

One of the two Founding Gangs in the city the other being the Black Bullet Gang. My life then became miserable, but I had made some friends at least only for them to disappear one by one, I had later learned where they had forcefully got taken to an area that no one knew about, just the high leadership in the gang. Apparently, some horrible experiments were being done to them by the Bloody Scorpion Gang.

It was then that I had lost all hope, my vengeance and naivety disappeared as I had matured and confronted the cruel face of reality.

Anger filled my being; I was scared, fearful yet I was also furious. I never deserved any of this.

I had never done any worse, I had always been religious and never once, once was I ever impolite. I had always been kind and what did I get in return. My family massacred, sold into slavery, being hunted by a ruthless gang for my blood which I did not even know anything and worst of all I was still kind after all this.

Well, it all ended today.

It was at this moment that a voice roared in my head:

"Adrianus Von Frazier you have fulfilled the requirements needed to Awaken your Bloodline."

And with the roaring of this voice infinite power came along.