Love disease

Daniel answered ximeng with a frustration expression "that damn stupid girl"

At first ximeng couldn't figure out the girl he was talking about but after few seconds later he realized the matter.

"Are you talking about the innocent looking girl you kissed yesterday? " asked ximeng with heavy curiosity.

"Yes" replied Daniel in a clear tone.

" I never saw you care about any girls,why are you caring about that merely plain looking girl all of a sudden?" asked ximeng without hesitation.

"Because she pissed me off" replied Daniel with a llittle anger.

ximeng became astonished hearing his statements. "you both don't even know each other, infact you are the one who kissed her suddenly , how come that poor little girl pissed you off?" asked ximeng as a matter of factly. Daniel took a deep breath and replied coldly, "she is the reason I couldn't sleep last night, she is the reason I lost my all appetite, she is the reason I am feeling guilty for the first time in my life, she is the reason I have been waiting here for f*cking two hours "

Daniel's statements made ximeng speechless for a while,he couldn't even believe his own ears. Soon he got back to sense and looked at Daniel.

" I need to meet her and figure out why I am having such a hard time " said Daniel.

Hear his last words ximeng smiled brightly.

"Why are you smiling like a idiot ?" asked Daniel with anger.

" I am not the idiot, you are the biggest idiot who couldn't even figure out such a simple matter." replied ximeng with bright smile.

"what did you mean by that? asked Daniel greeting his teeth angrily.

" I meant, you have fallen for that girl "

said ximeng with a serious expression.

" have you eaten your brain with breakfast, why should I fell for a girl like her?" said Daniel with mockery.

"You are showing all the symptoms of love disease, face the reality, you are in love finally"

Ximeng said all these things with confidence.

Daniel didn't utter a word for a while,after few moments later he break his silence while saying "I still need to meet her to became sure about my feelings" he said those world with a calm face, anger and annoyance were not on his face anymore. he was even looking a little helpless.

"Find all the information regarding her within an hour , use all your boys if needed "said Daniel calmly.

It was 12.15 pm, Daniel was eagerly waiting for ximeng on the college rooftop to know information about cherry"

at that moment ximeng came . he was holding a paper in his right hand, he handed over the paper to Daniel."here are all the informations about that girl included her previous schools,house address and telephone numbers" said ximeng while carrying proud smile on his llips.

Daniel took the paper from him, but before he could read anything, ximeng said instantly "there is a good news for you,cherry came to the college today and is attending her class on the third floor of our department building "

"who the hell is cherry? "asked Daniel with a annoying tone.

hearing his question ximeng burst out in laughter, he hardly controlled his laughter and said "cherry is the name of that damn stupid girl who gave you those panda eyes"