You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met

After watching those pictures sent by ximeng,Daniel didn't want to spend a single day in Amsterdam, he took a flight to his county that very night. It was a flight of more than ten hours.

He didn't went back home after safely arriving, instead he straight went to his college from airport . He couldn't wait anymore to see her.

Daniel was waiting for cherry at the college rooftop,

When heard footstepss from behind him,he slowly turned around and looked at her calm beautiful face.

It was only fifteen days since he had last seen cherry but it felt like fifteen thousands years.

Cherry was blankly looking at him while staying on the same spot. Daniel couldn't help but giving her a warm smile.

Cherry didn't move an inche and still was standing there like a motionless object.

Daniel saw her unmoving position and started walking toward her.

He slowly stood infront of her and started was observing every detail of her face.

From a close position, he clearly noticed her eye bags, her little pink lips without any lip care, her long silky hair,her crystal clear eyes, she seemed to get a bit thinner.

They both kept looking at each other silently.

Daniel was waiting for cherry to talk first but seeing her blank silent statute, he broke his silence.

"Did you miss me"?he asked with a deep voice.

Cherry couldn't answer him,she wanted say that yes,she was missing him,she was missing him to death but no word was coming out from her mouth,tears started falling from her eyes.

Seeing her tears, Daniel felt worried.,

"are you not happy to see me?, do you want me to go back?" Daniel asked her with a series expression.

Cherry couldn't control her emotion anymore, she throw herself on his chest and started crying more and more.

Daniel felt like heaven has finally opened it's door for him.

He hugged her tightly and inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair.

When cherry stopped crying, she discoverd herself on his chest,she wanted to move but failed, Daniel was hugging her so strongly that she was having trouble to breath.

"I can't breath, let me go" she said with a low voice.

Hearing her voice Daniel came back to earth from heaven.

He loosened her tight embrace but didn't let her go.

He looked at her wet eyes and kissed her forehead gently.

"Don't ever say that you hate me" he said with a deep voice while looking at her eyes.

Cherry wiped her tears and shook her head agreeably like a child.

Daniel smiled at her cute expression and pinched her nose softly.

"do you know how much it hurt when you said that you hate me? '

"do you know how painful it was when you said that you don't want to see me"?

"do you know how terrible I felt when you left me alone inside that restaurant "

"do you know how crazy I became without meeting you for two weeks ",

Daniel kept asking her those questions with a emotional calm tone while looking into her eyes.

"I thought you are playing with me and you will leave me ",cherry replied him honesty while lowering her eyes.

Daniel held her chin up and asked her with a surprised voice, "why did you think that"?

Cherry looked at him with a helpless expression,

"because I am not beautiful and rich " she replied in a weak voice.

Listening her honest confession, Daniel couldn't help but hugging at her again,

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, I don't need a rich girl,I need only you", he whispered in her ear.

Cherry blushed hearing his words,

"I heard you dated only beautiful rich models and actresses", cherry said, there was a hint of insecurity in her tone.

Daniel starting laughing more loudly hearing her words.

"Stupid, those are only rumors, I never dated anyone, Daniel said while laughing.

"Really "? cherry asked with a doubtful expression.

Daniel couldn't help but laughing again while hugging her.