Signal of danger

In Liu Corporation's presidential office...

Some pictures were spread on the table.

Liu Dong was looking at those pictures one by one,his expression was cold, his eyes were narrowed.

He looked at one particular picture with deep gaze and asked slowly, "who clicked these pictures "?

His manager Xin Yi lowered his head and answered with a frightened voice, "Its a journalist from an entertainment magazine ".

A cold smirk appeared on Liu Dong's face,"What is his demand "? he asked.

Manager Xin Yi was feeling extremely panic, he knew his boss's Temper very well.

This kind of cold expression was a signal of something dangerous coming on.

He slowly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied with a trembling voice, "Two million ".

Liu Dong looked at his wrist watch for few seconds then said, "transfer one million to Feng's account and tell him to remove that reporter by tomorrow".

Manager Xin Yi became frozen by his order, his legs were trembling a little, his forehead was sweating.Gathering all his courage, he said slowly, "Sir, we can send the money to that journalist to shut his mouth".

Liu Dong got angry by his words, He took all the pictures from the table and threw them on Xi Yi's face, " Are you giving me advice"?

"You can't even manage a simple reporter and dare to give me advice ".He was furious.

Manager Xi Yi felt terrible, he had been working for Liu corporation for ten years, so he might know that Liu Dong's decision never be changed, "Sorry Sir,forgive me for my mistake, it will not happen again", he was shivering.

Noticing his panic expression Liu Dong felt a little better,this is what he wanted, to create panic to those who tried to block his way.

He Went back to his chair and indicatet Xin Yi to come close.

Manager Xi Yi walked to him trembling and bent down.

Liu Dong whispered in his ears,"If we accept the demand of that reporter, he will think us as easy target and will dare to blackmail again, Its better to finish him along with the matter " He completed his words and put his hand on Manager Xin Yi's shoulder.

"Don't let it happen again "he added.

Manager Xin Yi shook his head with agreement and left the room slowly.

Liu Dong Looked at those pictures again and smiled bitterly. He narrowed his eyes to recollected the memory from yesterday,

He was having fun with a young model in his private beach bungalow,the security of his bungalow was extremely tight, so its not possible for a mere reporter to come and took pictures of his private moments, it must be someone from his security team who let that reporter enter in his bungalow.

He thought this possibility for a moment then pushed away, because his security team was extremely trustworthy, they don't dare to betray him for only two million.Then there was only one option left for him and that was 'the young model'.

Liu Dong called Manager Xin Yi again

"Transfer another two million to Feng's account and include that model in the list"

He ordered with a cold voice.

At this moment Secretary Mr.Bo knocked at the door.Without looking Liu Dong said Slowly "come in".

Mr.Bo came in with few documents in his hands and resquest him to sign.

Liu Dong signed the documents.

When Mr.Bo was about to leave from his room,Liu Dong called him,"Wait Bo".

Mr.Bo turned around and stood beside him.

Liu Dong looked at him for a moment then asked "What is Daniel doing now days"?

Mr.Bo Smiled gently then replied, "little dany is doing good, he is even attending classes regularly ".

Liu Dong lifted his right eyebrow with a little surprised, He paused for a moment then said, "I invited Mr.Zhang Jun and his daughter for dinner next sunday and Daniel must join us."

Mr.Bo received the documenits and left the room with a worried expression.

He knew very well about the main reason behind this dinner arrangement. He was feeling worried and sad for little Dany.