Business is all about give and Take

After receiving message from his father, Daniel didn't go back to home,

He was driving on the street randomly for while. He was feeling mentally uncomfortable. Daniel was aware of his father's nature very well, he knew that his father was not someone who would spend time with his son to have only dinner.

He knew that president Liu Dong valued his business and money more than anything in this world.

Daniel gave up having expectation from his father a long ago. He never remembered his father behaving affectionate toward him.

He was the president of Liy Corporation, never became a father for him.

Daniel thought those things for a while then decided to go Mr Bo's house.

It was an early evening when Daniel reached at Mr Bo's house, he pressed the doorbell several times but no response." May be uncle Bo hasn't returned from office" ,he thought . Mr Bo left alone so there was no other member to open the door for him. He was waiting for him for few minutes and finally he saw a car is coming near his house.

Mr Bo got down from his car and found Daniel leaning against the door with a dark face. He looked at Daniel and smiled gently. He unlocked the door and indicated Daniel to come inside.

Without saying any words Daniel followed him inside the house .

Mr Bo didn't ask Daniel any question, it seemed like that he was expecting him to come.

"I have chicken soup and beef fried rice in my fridge, do you want to have dinner "?,Mr Bo asked with a natural tone.

Daniel silently nodded to him.

Few moments later, Mr Bo came out from bathroom wearing casual clothes and heated the frozen food.

He gradually served the food on the table and called Daniel to eat.

Daniel broke his silence and said coldly, "I have something to ask".

Mr Bo didn't give him any chance to ask his question .

Before Daniel could ask anything, Mr Bo said with a affectionate voice which was hard to refuse "I am hungry lets eat first little Dany".

From his childhood Daniel had a bad habit of skipping meals when he became upset or angry.

Judging by his today's mood, Mr Bo can easily tell that he was both upset and angry. Daniel couldn't refuse his aaffectionate expression and

started eating, with a great speed he finished his dinner.

The next second he stood up from the chair and said with same coldl tone ,"I want to ask you something".

Without giving him second chance to ask any further, Mr Bo plainly said, "about Sunday dinner "?

Hearing his words Daniel started laughing sarcastically, "so as I was thinking, its not a family dinner, its purely business". A sudden anger and pain attacked Daniel's mind," Tell me uncle Bo, what new scheme is president Liu Dong planning this time"? he asked. Mr Bo hesitated for a moments then said slowly, " Mr Zhang Jun and His daughter Zhang Mian are also coming to join the dinner ".

Daniel arched his forehead and asked," What business they have with Liu corporation"?

Without any hesitation Mr Bo described, "Liu Corporation's new project in Europe needs image boosting. European representatives are investing the company image of Liu Corporation inside our county before approving final proposal, so that is why Liu Corporation needs maximum media support to highlight their image more boldly. Company needs a strong Media personality who is internationally recognised and Zhang Jun is perfect catch for that, moreover his channel is currently the most popular in the county."

Daniel smile bitterly hearing his statements.

"What about her daughter Zhang Mian, why is that annoying girl also coming"?, Daniel asked with a great annoyance.

Mr Bo Looked at him expressly then replied, "Business is all aabout give and take, If Zhang Jun is giving something, then he must take something. "