Impossible to beat the devil

It was a beautiful Saturday morning.

Cherry had no class today, so she thought to sleep a little more and spend the day with her Mother at home.

But devil has his own plan.

Cherry got a message from Daniel early in the morning.

Her eyes were still sleepy when she received his message but the next second her sleep got fully vanished.

[ congratulations, today you have got a lucky chance to have a date with the most handsome man in the world 😎 ]... From Daniel.

Cherry sat up from her bed and replied while yawning.

[ Not coming out today, will stay at home with mom.bye.].....From Cherry.

After sending her reply, Cherry got a second message within fifty seconds.

[ okay, lets together stay at your home with your mom 👌]..... From Daniel.

Cherry almost got a minor heart attack by his message, She slapped her own face with frustration.She should know already that it wasn't possible to beat the devil.She pouted his mouth and replied with regret.

[Where should I come? 😫]... From Cherry.

After that she got two messages from Daniel.

[10 am at Prince Coffee shop 😍 ].....From Daniel

[ winner 😈]....From Daniel.

Cherry read his message and got out from bed.She took a quick shower and went to find her mother in the kitchen.Last night she informed her mother that she didn't have any class at Saturday, she would stay at home and learn cooking from her,so she was feeling hesitated to change the plan all of a sudden.

"Mom, I need to go outside to meet a friend for discussing about an assignment. " she said with hesitation.

Cherry's mother become a little suspicious by her daughter's recent attitude.Such as Cherry was coming home late everyday, she became extra conscious about her clothes, she locked her door before sleep and even she heard her daughter humming a song and today's sudden assignment plan has made her suspicious mind stronger.

Raising her eyebrows, cherry's mother said with a sarcastic tone, "Discussion is very important".

Cherry felt nervous, she cleared her throat to make her excuse more authentic, "actually mom I totally forgot about the assignment last night "she added.

Cherry's mother can clearly see that her innocent little daughter had became a little corrupted but she wasn't unhappy about it.

She always wanted her daughter to behave normally like other girls.She was very worried for her daughter not having any friends.

"Will you be late,"? she asked with a fake dominating voice.

Hearing her mother's question Cherry shook her head up and down slowly.

Her mother almost laughed at her pitiful expression but control in the end.With same fake dominating voice she said,"okay message me if in case of too late".

After getting approval from her mother, Cherry opened her closet to find a suitable dress but again felt dress crisis.

Without thinking much she decided to wear a pink bunny top with a midi black skirt.

She was looking exceptionally cute and refreshing.

Cherry checked her wrist watch and found it was almost time to go.

When she was crossing their apartment door to go out, suddenly her mother called her from behind. She stopped her movement and looked behind with a nervous expression.

Her mother said with a mysterious smile "invite your assignment buddy for dinner sometimes ".

Cherry didn't say anything but replied with a foolish smile.

Cherry had been waiting for Daniel inside Prince Cofee shop for 10 minutes but Daniel didn't come yet.

She was checking her phone when a cute boy called her suddenly. She looked at the boy with confused expression, by judging his uniform she could guess that he is a high school student.

The cute high school boy smiled brightly and said, "Pretty sister, you are totally my types ".

"Are you single? will you give me your number please pretty sister",he added.

Before Cherry could react to him, a long hand grabbed the shoulder of that cute boy from behind.