Birthday gift

Liu Dong dragged the girl out of the room and throw her on the floor near the empty exist door.

The girl felt a sharp pain on her back.

She was looking at Liu Dong with scared eyes.

Liu Dong bent down and grabbed her hair violently, "I have paid you enough bitch, who the hell are you doing this for? who did command you to do this "? He asked her while throwing a punch on her face. Before his punch could landed on the girl's face, a long strong hand caught his wrist. Liu Don slowly turned his head and found Daniel standing beside him with a dark expression. "I commanded her, I have paid her to do this, Daniel replied with a clod tone of voice.

Liu Dong looked at him with disbelief,there was a strong hint of displeasure on his expression.

"Why did you do this?"Lio Dong asked with anger.

Daniel looked at his father with hatred and throw him a counter question, "First you tell me , why did you do this?"

"This is the first time you mentioned about a family dinner after fifteen years and it was because of a business deal "

"This is the first time you had breakfast with me after fifteen years but just to ensure your business meeting ." Daniel was saying those words feeling sadness and anger at the same time.His voice was cold and his expression was dark.

Liu Dong pointed his index finger on Daniel's face and said with a mockery tone, "Stop behaving like a child, grow up, Zhang Mian is a suitable daughter in law for our company image and his father is extremely important person to our business expansion and image boosting ."

Daniel clenched his hand and said grittering his teeth, " You want to sell your son by the name of marriage for a business deaI."

"I don't even lika that girl and a marriage with her is beyond imagination."

Hearing his son's statements, Liu Dong couldn't help laughing sarcastically, He moved his index finger left right and said, " Its not about your foolish liking, its about our company image "

"By the way, its not necessary to marry her, you can date until our new project establish, then we can find a girl with better family background than her," he added

After hearing his father's shameless plan, Daniel couldn't control the enormous fire in his heart anymore, he kicked the exit door beside him hard to vent his anger. With a extreme cold tone he said, "If you try to involve me with this kind of dirty business deal anymore, I will open the Pandora box of your shameless history with women, "

"Shameless history with women"

these words made Liu Dong feel more angry, he was shocked to hear a threatened tone from his son.

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" Liu Don asked Daniel.

Daniel laughed at his question.

Lifting his right eyebrow he replied, "I am not trying to threat you, I have just done it."

Liu Dong couldn't bear his son's rebellion attitude anymore and slapped on his left cheek hard.

Daniel touch the his left cheek which was redden by his father's slap.

His eyes become wet, he curved his lips into a painful smile and said with a low voice, " Thanks Dad for my birthday gift ."

"At least I deserve it to crash your business deal."